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"Little Archaeologists"
Virtual Tour at the National Historical Museum

Tirana, Albania

March - June, 2021

The Covid-19 pandemic worldwide has forced many museums to close, thus not allowing to operate normally. during this period it was observed that digital forms, distance learning, the use of advanced technology of museums, helped with education through culture and art in real time. The virtual and real experiences organized by museums, in fact, have something in common: the needs of their visitors are always the same, both online and live.


In order to help the children, the project consisted of a Virtual Tour entitled "Little Archaeologists" which included material prepared in advance by a museologist, narrated by a narrator, a professional in the field. In the film, children have the opportunity to know the history of Albania since Antiquity; archaeologists' techniques in historical discoveries; and moreover they are learning through entertainment. The realization of this Virtual Tour, was not only a contribution to the education of the younger generations, but also served to keep "open" for children the virtual doors of the National Historical Museum, even during the pandemic of Covid-19 Pandemic situation. The project was also designed to help educational institutions, i.e. elementary and middle schools across the country which can use the prepared material as an important reference, thus helping teachers in different classes, to teach and prepare children with knowledge on the history, culture, tradition of our country and in particular, archeology.


The aim of this project was:

  • Reinforcement of children's knowledge and information on history and culture in our country;

  • Children make connections with real people throughout history through objects and stories;

  • Recognition and evaluation of the role of the archaeologist by children;

  • Children understand the importance of the historical values of objects;

  • Use of information by educational institutions;

  • Deepening individual knowledge beyond physical barriers; Creating a quality material that is valuable not only to children but also to educational institutions in improving historical knowledge and teaching methods.



The project consisted in the creation and implementation of the Virtual Tour of the National Historical Museum, which took place from 22.03.2021 to 15.06.2021. 


Now the Virtual Tour is public for every visitor, local or foreign and can be seen at the relevant link:

The link of the documentary was published on the official website of the National Historical Museum and can also be shared on social networks, also is published on youtube.


Albanian Initiative for Development

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