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Meet The Team



Executive Director

Anila Shehi is the Executive Director and Founder of “Albanian Initiative for Development” Association. She was graduated in Law (Luarasi University) and holds a MA Degree in International and European Law (European University of Tirana). Her experience includes both government and non-government sectors. Her field of expertise include anti-corruption, security, human rights, democratic governance and EU related issues.

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Fatjon LAMI

Project Coordinator

Fatjon Lami was graduated in Philosophy (University of Tirana) and holds a MA Degree in Ethics in Institutions and Leadership (University of Tirana). He has completed a number of national and international trainings and qualification programs in the area of social sciences. He works as an Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy (University of Tirana).

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Elisa Tershana was graduated in Business Administration (ECU- USA) and holds a MSC degree in Marketing (University of Tirana). She has experience in International Business, Marketing and Entrepreneurship, pursuing strategic opportunities for B2B organizations, by cultivating partnerships or other commercial relationships, identifying new markets for their services.

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Albanian Initiative for Development

Our purpose is to promote and create a society with endless possibilities for the development and empowerment of every human category through integration, promotion, protection and support.


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