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Tirana as the Capital, through Literary Stories and Art

Tirana, Albania

November, 2020

The purpose of this project was to return to the tradition and history of Tirana, on the occasion of its 100th anniversary as the Capital. Cultural and historical heritage are the historical roots of Albania's European perspective.

Project objectives:
- Reviving and preserving the values of the Tirana tradition;
- Recognition and transmission of the values of the Tirana tradition to the younger generation;
- Promoting cultural-economic development by combining tradition with modernity.

1. The capital through literary stories
The first activity entitled "Capital through literary stories", took place outside the National Historical Museum (to respect social distance and hygienic-sanitary rules due to the pandemic).
Verses, from the works of the most famous Albanian writers such as Dritëro Agolli, Ismail Kadare, Marin Barleti, etc., were recited and read in the presence of a wide audience of different age groups.The public became acquainted and excited with the image of Tirana lively shaped descriptions of our writers.

2. Music concert "Lule t'bukra ka Tirona" ("Tirana has Beautiful flowers")

On Saturday, November 7, at 18.00, in the Castle of Tirana, took place the musical concert "Lule t'bukra ka Tirona", with the oldest songs of Tirana, which were brought back in a modern style by the singer Jozefina Simoni and the music group of talented “All in Band”.

3. Exhibition of Quilts of Tirana

On Sunday, November 8, 17.00-20.00, in the Castle of Tirana, took place the third activity entitled "Exhibition of quilts of Tirana". This evening's activity introduced the public with another aspect of quilt making, from the processes of sketch drawing (depending on family events) to dyeing yarns, combing wool, cutting pieces and even sewing and embroidering them. A truly rare craft! The public was introduced to a national treasure illustrated through collections, photographs and narrative descriptions of their history.

4. Exhibition of traditional instruments of the area of Tirana and its Highlands

On Monday, November 9, 17.00-20.00, in the Castle of Tirana, took place the fourth activity entitled "Exhibition of traditional instruments of the area of Tirana and its Highlands". The musical instruments lay were handmade and with ornaments which reflect details from ancient costumes, customs, customs and culture.

The exhibition featured special instruments such as: whistle trough, percussion instruments, double helix carved flutes, etc. The visitors were amazed by the diversity and history of different instruments, and learned that these instruments constitute a valuable asset of Tirana, brought by the collector.

5. The capital through the writings of foreign travelers.

The fifth activity, which marked the closing of the project, took place on Tuesday, November 10, at 18.00, at the National Historical Museum. The activity was presented through recitation, which brought the impressions of foreign travelers who have visited Tirana. The participants in the event were surprised as they were introduced to a past image of the Capital completely different from what they thought it would be in the eyes of foreign visitors. For the latter, Tirana was not a peripheral city of the Ottoman Empire. Tirana was a city with genuine values, wealth, culture and tradition.

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